Sunday, December 19, 2010

Billy Bob's Ft. Worth

Another stalking adventure continues…. So after Cowboys, we got up the next morning and headed to Ft. Worth.  This time we’re going to Billy Bob’s!  The last time Chris was at Billy Bob’s was back in March of this year and that was the first time I was able to go backstage and meet him.  So Billy Bob’s has a special place in my heart!lol  Back in March he also played at Cowboys.  He did Ft. Worth first and then headed to San Antonio.  So this time we’ll go the other way around. 
When I put in my request for a meet and greet I just assumed I would get it!  I haven’t been told no yet!  But this time there were a lot of requests for passes, so we were asked to do things a little different.  We needed to submit our ticket receipt.  So after all that, I did not get a meet and greet.  Bummer!!!!  But no worries, us stalkers have our ways!  J 

When we got to Billy Bob’s we were able to find some of the ladies from the night before.  We started talking with them and learned that there is a whole new level of stalker that we aren’t even close to!  (Right, Laura?!!?)  Laura and I are mere mortals in comparison to what these ladies will do for Chris.  I have always just seen these ladies at the Texas shows, so kinda assumed they were from here.  I’ve seen Chris in Louisiana and Colorado, and I hadn’t seen them….well come to find out that a few of them are from Washington state!!  They fly in for these shows and then turn around and head home.  Needless to say that they were very upset that they did not get their meet and greets for the night!  I can understand, I mean you flew in to see the man and then you don’t get to meet with him.  Those few minutes are what make the whole night!  We hung out with them for a little while and talked about the upcoming shows and some of the changes in personnel.  So now we all need to figure out how we are getting our face time with Chris.  But like I said, no worries, these ladies had some juicy info!  One of the ladies found one of the radio stations and they were giving away one pair of meet and greet passes.  So we headed over there to fill out our little raffle tickets.  Unfortunately none of us won.  We still had options though!  One of the ladies comes back to the group we’ve now become and has a cd and a wristband!  Oh yeah, that almighty wristband!  If you go buy a cd you get a wristband!  And that wristband gets you a place in line after the show to meet Chris!  So now we’ve got our meet and greet!  Of course everyone is saying it’s just to get something signed, you don’t have all the time you normally would if it were a normal fan club meet and greet, but like that stops any of us!haha 

So on to the show!  Chris is amazing as always!  Yeah I know we saw him the night before and it was pretty much the same playlist, but he does something just a little different each night!  I was able to get some good shots during the show and security even came over and yelled at me!  J  Said I was not allowed to take video!  Ummmm I wasn’t taking video; I was patiently waiting for Chris to move from behind the pole!  So yes it may have looked like I was taking video at the time, but I was behaving!  J  Ok I was behaving then, not saying if I behaved the whole night! ;)  So you know I have to go get a playlist from the boys.  Well I was able to talk with the new bass player this time.  Shawn was able to go get me Kevin’s(drummer).  When I asked for one, he was like mine are gone….so I told him to go get Kevin’s, that I wasn’t quick enough to get his!  Told him thanks and then had to go run over to get in line to see Chris!
Laura and I were able to get in line behind our new stalker friends.  The line was moving fairly quickly and it’s cute to watch the girls that have met him for the first time.  They walk away all giggles and smiles.  By now we’re all old pros at this and are able to get in and actually talk to the man!  So the ladies in front are with Chris and of course they have to have a picture taken with Chris.  Well his new manager is telling the ladies that they need to hurry, they should have done pictures while he was signing their stuff.  I’m just waiting for him to look at me and say something, cuz I’m like “there is no way I’m telling this lady to hurry, you haven’t heard the things she’ll do for this guy.”  So it’s my turn now!  J  I let him know that I’ve left them some goodies with his dad.  His dad is again working his merchandise booth.  He says “thanks, you’re so sweet.”  Made my night!lol  Not as hot as hearing him swear the night before, but what girl wouldn’t like to hear she’s sweet!  So anyways, I tell him I’ll see him at New Years, and ask him what he would like then.  His answer???  He just wants me to come!  Ok so I’m sure he tells all the girls that!  But anyways….I say of course I’ll be at the show, it’s for my birthday!  J  So there’s not really much time for anything else, so he signs my cd and I take a quick picture with my blackberry.  Laura has her turn with him and I take her picture with her phone!  And because I’m a crazy psycho stalker chic, we go back to his merchandise booth and talk to his dad again.  I’ve already talked to him twice that night, but now I need a picture with him!  Oh yeah, gotta make sure dad loves me too!  Tell him I’ll see them New Years and he says everyone will be there that night.  It sounded like he was saying the whole family would be there for the big New Year’s Eve show.  So that should be fun.  Well I have to let him know that it’s my birthday and somehow I let him know I’ll be turning 30 and he says no way you’re gonna be 30!  “I love you already” is what I tell him!  So I get my picture with him and tell him good night and Laura and I are on our way back to our room. 

So, all in all a good night!  Good show and I got pictures with Chris and his dad.  Laura and I definitely have fun on these trips.  Granted we are tired when we are done with these back to backs, but it hasn’t stopped us yet.  We keep saying we’re too old for this, but then we see these ladies and they are in their 50’s and 60’s and flying around stalking Chris, so maybe we’ll never really be too old for this shit!haha  My next adventure will be the KJ97 Star Party that I won tickets for!  Went with one of my co-workers and stayed up way too late for a Tuesday!  But it was fun and the people put on good shows!  Next up for Chris is the New Year’s Eve show in Arlington.  Planning on going to a hockey game before the concert, so it should be a fun night! 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I WON!!!!

Wow!  A Grammy nomination for Chris!  So freakin excited for him.  I know I should have been just as excited for his CMA nominations, but somehow getting recognized from the general public, just seems like a big thing.  It’s hard for country music to get a lot of publicity with mainstream music, so to have Chris nominated is huge for him.  So freakin’ awesome!  So proud of him!!  I know I sound utterly crazy, to be proud of someone I don’t even know!haha
So that was yesterday!  Today I won tickets for a concert next week!  KJ97 is having a Star Party and you could only get tickets if you won them.  They would give them away almost every hour.   I think they’ve been at it since Thanksgiving.  Well my persistence paid off today!!!  I was caller #9!  Everyone at work knew I had been trying all week.  So as soon as I got off the phone, I ran in the lab and shouted “I won my tickets!!!”  They gave me a hard time for being such a dork, but they were happy for me.  Now I need to find myself someone to go with.  Mom has a meeting that night and dad is out of town.  So there goes two “default dates” I could have taken.  Oh well I guess that’s what facebook is for.  J  Oh, I guess I should mention who’s at the show….Easton Corbin, Josh Thompson, Jerrod Niemann, Troy Olson, Sunny Sweeney, and a surprise artist.  Ok so you know I’m praying it’s Chris that’s the surprise, but I’m not holding my breath on that one!  Although he is scheduled to be in Houston the next night, so……he is in the area…..ok a girl can dream.
So I’m working on my post from Billy Bob’s Ft. Worth.  Will put that up next, unless something else exciting happens in the mean time.   


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Chris Young in San Antonio!

So for my very first blog post I decided to just dive right in and let you know about my most recent stalker trip.  I follow Chris around enough that I thought I could let y’all in on the fun, without the expense of actually having to buy tickets, get hotel rooms, gas, cameras….well you get the picture!haha
On Friday the 26th of November Chris was playing at Cowboys Dancehall in San Antonio.  Laura and I knew we had meet and greet passes for that night, but I hadn’t gotten our tickets to the show yet, so we got there fairly early!  That ended up being ok, because ya see I got to hear them play Wade Hayes, twice!!!   (I stalked him back in the day, but that’s a whole other post!)  We were able to catch up on what’s going on in our lives while we waited for out meet and greet time. 
Our meet and greet was scheduled for 10:15pm!  The latest it’s ever been!  The line was crazy long!  Never seen it that long before.  Which when you think about it, it’s a great thing!  That means Chris has so many more fans now that are coming out and supporting him!  (FYI, I LOVE !!!!!!! I may overuse them, just sayin’…..)  So we hang out and wait for the end of the line.  That way we aren’t rushed through in the early part of the line.  We want as much time with him as possible!  J  We lucked out and were at the tail end of the line with two other ladies.  They follow him around too, so I didn’t feel too bad about letting them be absolute last.

So Laura went first and got her picture taken with him.  Not sure, but I don’t think she had him sign anything.  She’s in it for the hug and picture with him!  I on the other hand always have him sign something, even if it’s just my ticket stub.  Not sure why I have to have him sign something, I just always do!  So now it’s my turn.  I gave him my gift that I had got him.  A Longhorn snuggie!  The funny thing about the snuggie is he had just tweeted a pic of him in a Titans snuggie.  He was messing around that they went shopping for black Friday and tweeted the pic of what he got….his Titans snuggie!  Well when I gave him is bag, I told him I that I had already got him his snuggie long before he tweeted the pic that morning.  Oh what’s even funnier, Laura and I had been texting each other the day before and I let her know what I had bought for him.  We were saying that he was going to need to send out a pic of himself in his snuggie!  Well what does he do at 2am????  Yup he sent out the tweet.  Well I of course have his tweets sent to my phone, so I got the message and HAD to tell Laura.  So at 2am I am waking her up with my texts and forwarding her the picture!  Yup, I’m crazy (hence the name…crazy psycho stalker chic!)!! 
So, back to the meet and greet….I give him his present and he says it’s perfect!  He’s such a sweetie!  He goes on to say that they had went and got the snuggies because it had gotten f*ckin cold!  (His words, not mine….but it was HOT to hear him swear….that was a first!  Oh and I have a potty mouth, probably worse than his.  It’s worse than most of the guys I know anyway.)  So next I give him my ticket stubs to sign.  They were my mom and I’s tickets from Cedar Park on the 12th of November.  Well in Cedar Park, we had brought him a big bag of goodies.  Cookies and bread for all the guys!  Well when we had got to security there, they took our bag.  They said they’d give to him, so I had to make sure.  So I asked him about that and he told me they got their goodies!  He said thanks and that as soon as the guys found out there were goodies, they made sure they made it to the bus!  He was like, have you met my guys??haha Of course they didn’t last long though!  But I’m glad they enjoyed them!  So finally we take a picture and I’m done!  Out the door and down the stairs to wait for the show!
Our meet and greet was at 10:15, which tell us he won’t start the show until 11:15.  Well it was around that time that he came out.  The local radio guys had stuff to give away and make announcements first.  So at 11:20, Chris’ band came out and his intro music started!  He played for about an hour and a half.  He was sick the last time he was in San Antonio, so he wanted to make sure that San Antonio got a great show!  Like he would give us anything but the best anyway!  It seems his “new” thing is to grab someone’s camera from the crowd and take pictures for them. This time he got the band all together on stage and took their picture.  Chris sure knows how to get us girls to swoon!!!  Such a sweetie!  J 

Cowboys usually does a good job of keeping the rowdy crowd in check, so when a few drunk idiots decided they needed to jump up on the bar in front of the crowd, they were quickly told to get down!!  Crisis averted!haha  Not really a crisis, but they were in my way of seeing Chris!  He came out and did one song for his encore, which is his usual.  I made my way to the front of the stage to wait for the guys to come out and start packing up.  I like getting playlist from each night.  My little souvenir!  Chris, Kevin, and Shawn’s are always gone right away.  Most people can reach those and they waste no time in grabbing them.  That means I have to bug Kevin and see if he’ll go and grab Josh’s for me.  He usually does!  I haven’t been told no yet.  J  Love my guys!  They are so good to me!  So Kevin does go and get Josh’s for me and I tell him thanks so much and that I’ll see him the next night! 

It’s now closing in on 1am!  Laura and I have been up a while and we’re hungry again!  And it’s time for more drinks.  We head over to Chacho’s for taco’s and drinks.  Chacho’s has these wonderful frozen Jack & Cokes!  Yummy!  Well we finish our late night snack and head home!  We have to get some sleep before we have to get up and drive to Ft. Worth to see Chris at Billy Bob’s! 
Be sure to leave a comment if you think I'm crazy, or totally agree with me and my craziness!  :)  Seeing how this is my first post and I don't expect any comments at all, if by some miracle I do get a comment I will probably reply to you my dear!